16 Jun 2014

Word deel van God se plan vir jou?

Jy rig jou oё na die hemel en jou oё word verlig deur die kleurvolle vuurwerke, wat soos sterre verrys uit die hemelse uitspansel. Die vuurwerke kondig ‘n nuwe jaar aan. Weer het ‘n nuwe jaar aangebreek, met nuwe uitdagings, nuwe perspektiewe, nuwe betekenisse, maar ook nuwe geleenthede.

‘n Nuwe jaar is vir my soos ‘n nuwe begin, nog ‘n kans of selfs nog meer geleenthede? Elke dag is vir God kosbaar, en elke dag is ‘n geskenk van God, wat jy daarmee doen is jou geskenk aan Hom. So as elke dag ‘n geskenk van Hom is, hoe sien jy nou die nuwe jaar in?

Daar kom ‘n dag of ‘n jaar, wat God se plan vir elke mens in werking tree. Moenie my verkeerd verstaan nie, natuurlik was God altyd besig om die plan uit te voer vir jou lewe. Maar, daar kom ‘n dag, wat Hy jou deel van Sy plan wil maak, Sy verlossings plan! Wanneer jy begin wandel in hierdie plan, word jy ‘n soldaat vir Sy koninkryk. Word ‘n medewerker van Sy koninkryk?

Hoe pas jy in God se plan in, of nog meer leef jy al God se plan vir jou lewe uit? Dalk in hierdie nuwe jaar wil God jou deel maak van Sy wonderlike plan vir jou. God het natuurlik ‘n plan met elkeen van ons. God was van die begin af daar, selfs toe jy maar nog net ‘n enkele sel was, in die moederskoot. Psalm 139:13: “U het my gevorm, my aanmekaar geweef in die skoot van my moeder. Ek wil U loof, want U het my op ‘n wonderbaarlike wyse geskep.” Hoor jy die psalm digter se woorde, God het jou wonderbaarlik geskep. Van dag een af wat jou hartjie begin klop het, het jou Skepper Sy oog op jou.

Maar hoe kan God ‘n plan hê met my, ek doen dan soveel dinge verkeerd, ek is so swak in my geloof in Hom, ek het soveel foute. Onthou, Jesus verstaan ons swakheid, en Hy het medelye met ons swakheid want Hy self was aan versoekinge onderwerp. (Hebreёrs 5:15).

Om deel te word van God se plan vir jou, is om in daardie swakheid te erken, jy het Hom nodig. “Here, ek is maar ‘n geringe klein saadjie in U hande. ‘n Saadjie wat breek, wat seerkry, wat deur die stormwinde van die lewe opgepik word en saam gesleur word. ‘n Saadjie wat van tyd tot tyd uitdroog, wat verlang daarna om U lewendige waters in te drenk, en ‘n saadjie wat smag om geestelik deur U gevoed te word.”

God het vir jou as ‘n klein saadjie gevat, Hy het gesien hoe jy in die grond vertrap was, Hy het gesien hoe jy uitgedroog was. Hy het jou geneem in Sy liefdevolle hande, Hy het jou weer geplant, en Hy het jou versorg. Hy was jou skuiling teen die hael in jou lewe, Hy het vir jou skaduwee gegee wanneer nodig. God het nie verander nie, God verander nooit. Hy is steeds jou God, en Hy wil jou deel maak van die plan wat Hy het vir jou lewe.

Onthou net, God se plan hou nie altyd net mooi dinge in nie, dit vra ‘n opregte geloof, dit vra baie liefde en geduld, dit vra volharding. Maar as jy kan volhard in die moeilike en swaar tye, sal jy as ‘n klein saadjie ontpop in ‘n asemrowende sonneblom, wat baie saadjies oplewer vir God se koninkryk, en jy sal verewig skitter met groot vreugde in Hom.

Jy, brose mens, jy het God se genade nodig, om in God se plan te wandel. Ons as mense is maar baie klein, gering en as ons, ons nie bind aan God se genade nie, kan ons nie deel word van God se plan vir ons nie. Hoe word ons deel van Sy genade? 

Ons moet opreg glo, dat God Sy volmaakte liefde aan ons geopenbaar het, toe Hy Sy seun Jesus Christus gestuur het, as versoening vir ons sondes. God is liefde, en wie in Hom glo het Sy liefde in hul harte. Steek ‘n hand van liefde uit na God, en glo in Sy genade, wat deur Jesus Christus se opofferinge aan ons gegee is, en word deel van die plan wat Hy vir jou het.

Voordat jy hierdie nuwe jaar so besig raak, raak stil voor jou God, luister na Sy stem in die wind, sien die saadjies in die blomme in jou tuin en onthou wie jy is in Sy groot hande. Asem die vars lug in, en besin in diepe verwondering, oor hoe jy ‘n beter mens kan word vir God, hoe kan jy deel word van God se wonderlike plan vir jou? Hoe kan jy geestelik ryk word in Hom? 

En wanneer jy met jou vingers deur die bladsye van jou bybel blaai opsoek voordurend na antwoorde in Hom, en die voёls se liedere hoor sing vir hul Skepper, sien dan in jou geestes oog, hoe God jou as ‘n geringe, klein en broos saadjie optel, en in die winde jou wegvoer na Sy plan met jou.

En as jy al wandel in Sy plan vir jou, en jy ‘n instrument in Sy hande is, en jy word gebruik vir Sy koninkryk, maar jy voel dalk moeg, moedeloos, verstrooid en alleen. Dinge het dalk vir jou te veel geword, dan het ons ook die wonderlike troos van God se genade en liefde, dat Hy ons telkemale weer nuwe perspektief, nuwe hoop en nuwe betekenis in ons lewens kan gee. Roep dit ook in dankbaarheid uit in jou hart teenoor Hom, want al voel ons, ons vergaan letterlik in ons self, is God besig om ons te vernuwe in Hom, is Hy altyd nog besig om Sy plan uit te voer met elkeen van ons.

Deur: Marieke Zeevaart
Kersfees ‘n dankbaarheids fees.

Wat beteken kersfees vir meeste van ons? Beteken dit familie tyd, vreugde tyd, of vakansie tyd? As ons kyk na die woord kersfees, staan een gedeelte pertinent vir my uit. Die woordjie “kers” staan vir my uit. As ek aan daardie woordjie dink, dink ek aan die lig van ‘n kers. Die kers wat flikker met al sy vlamme spel, die kers wat ‘n helder lig is in enige donker ruimte of situasie. As ek so na die flikkerende vlam staar, en ek word in my gedagtes deur God meegevoer na Sy helder lig, dan onthou ek my God. Wie is die een wat letterlik ‘n kers opgesteek het vir die wêreld en sy mense? Wie is die een wat steeds die ganse hemelruim verlig met Sy wonderbare en asemrowende lig?

My gedagtes blaai deur die psalmboek na Skrifberyming 3 vers 2. Luister net na hierdie woorde....

“ ‘n Lig het opgegaan,
‘n helder stralebaan,
skiet deur die donker wolke.
Dit is Immanuel,
Die Vors van Israel,
die Lig van alle volke”

Wie se lig het verewig vir ons opgegaan, en vir ewig ons kom verlos van die donkertes en duisternisse van die wêreld? God het Sy enig gebore Seun, Jesus Christus vir ons opgeoffer met soveel liefde en genade aan die kruis, om ons te verlos van die bande en smarte van die sondige wêreld. Hy, Jesus het in daardie donkertes gegaan, en vir ons die ewige lig gebring, Sy lig!

Hierdie kersfees het my net van vooraf weer laat besef, dat ons soveel dinge het om voor dankbaar te wees. Die boodskap van kersfees herinner ons ook daaraan. Wat het Christus vir elkeen van ons gedoen? Dink aan die donkertes en duisternisse en pyn van jou eie lewe, Hy het gekom om jou daarvan te verlos. Hy het gekom om jou uit daardie doodsvalleie en angste uit te lei, na waters waar rus is, daar waar Sy ewige lig vir jou skyn.

As jy in Sy lig wandel, in die lig van Sy ewige en standhoudende Woord sal jy verby die donkertes kan kyk, en net die vreugde, vrede en liefde van Sy ewige lig ervaar.

Dalk is dit tyd dat ons daardie “kers” weer opsoek in ons lewens. Gaan steek ‘n kers aan tot ere van Sy Groot en Heilige Naam, en laat Hom toe om jou aan te raak met Sy lig in jou. Lees weer met soveel passie en liefde en begeerte vir Hom, Sy wonderlike Woord! Dit laat my dink aan die voortrekkers wat so begerig die ou hollandse staten bybel gelees het, terwyl die kers langs hul brand.

En terwyl jy langs daardie kers sit, laat sak jou hoof in diepe dankbare erkentenis voor Hom, en dink na oor alles waarvoor jy dankbaar is in jou lewe teenoor Hom. Blaai deur die gedagtes van hierdie jaar, en sien hoe getrou God bly teenoor jou in alle omstandighede.

En wanneer jy so terugkyk na hierdie jaar in jou lewe, sal jy oomblikke van val en opstaan beleef, oomblikke van pyn en hartseer, maar ook oomblikke van redding, lig en diepe vertroosting en dankbaarheid in Hom.

Dan sal jou hart vol van beroering gaan, want jy het besef hoe groot is God se lig, wat in jou werk. Ek hoop elkeen van julle mag hierdie kersfees weer van vooraf in verwondering en dankbaarheid Sy lig, Jesus se ewige lig in jou lewe sien en waardeer.

Deur: Marieke Zeevaart
The Fireproof Faith

The word “faith” refers to a lot of things, and it is such a indescribable word. I also think that this word, describes your own relationship with God. God wants us to have a fireproof faith in Him. As an example, let’s say God writes all your faithful actions
towards Him down on a piece of paper. Maybe, you are thinking now; “Stop, I don’t think there was a lot of faithful actions in my life.”

If this is your thoughts, then perhaps you are on the right tracks with your life. God says; “Blessed is the one that knows his sins, because he is nearer to God, than the one that says, I don’t have any sins.” That is actually a big proclamation, to acknowledge that you do have sins and even more to proclaim you do make mistakes, and that you are indeed not without faults or brokenness in your life. It takes a lot of courage to say; “I have sins, I do make mistakes!” Surely, you will agree with me, that, these are big words to utter, in fact it takes a lot of faith in God, to come to that point in our lives.

What we don’t know, is that when we find that courage to say those difficult words, it is actually a proclamation of our faith in Him. With those words we proclaim how much we need Him, and that we are lost without Him. The more we realize how dependent we are on God, the more we realize that we need Him in every part of our lives. Once you have managed to reach that point in your faith, you are one step closer towards the circle of fireproof faith in Him.

So now you are standing in front of that fire, one step closer to God in your faith. Your eyes see the circles of the fire going round and round. The heat is so intense that it causes perspiration all over your face and body. Your hands feel clammy and sweaty and your legs feel too weak to take the next step, in your faith. Your eyes become watery and you want to cry out from your heart. “God, please help me. I feel like I am going up into flames all over my body. My body is aching for You, screaming for You, in these flames.”

Standing in front of these blistering flames, I feel a passion towards You, that causes me to burn up in myself. It is a desire towards You, that I can’t describe. It is like the flames are playing with my mind. It is almost as if the flames are spelling out the words in my heart.” The tears are streaming down your cheeks, and this causes a burning sensation in your eyes. You try to read the words, that the flames are laying out for you. The letters are vague, and you focus your eyes closer together to see the words more clearly. Then suddenly, you see the words. “Take a step forward towards Me, my child.” At first you thought; “God, what are you asking of Me? Do You want me to burn up in those flames?” Then God calms your heart again. “My beloved child, your desire and flammable passion for Me, leads you to another victory in your faith in Me.

You are longing for Me, you have a burning passion and desire for Me in your life. In your burning passion and desire for Me, you have proven your love for Me. It is that kind of love for Me, that I am looking for in My children.

Once you found that flame for Me in your heart, you are able to stand more firmly in your faith for Me, in every situation. Maybe the fires of life try to pull you back into danger, hurt and pain of life constantly. But if your love for Me is so flammable, it pushes those flames away from you, because the fire of Love for Me, leads you to victory in Me.”

These thoughts of God cause the anxiety rising in your heart, to calm down. You suddenly feel you have the courage and faith in your heart, to take another step forward in your faith. It is as if the flame of love for God creates space in your heart for new and greater discoveries in God. The flame of love for God clears up a lot of things in your struggle, towards your faith in Him. You feel

like you understand God’s love now. With His love in your heart you are able to receive His love or others love for you. With this love of God in your heart, you are finally also able to reach out to others, to share that love with others and to shower other people with His love. “Thank you God, your flame of love is so precious to me and I will keep it close to my heart.”

You take a deep breath and take one step closer to the flames. It is actually such an irony to you, because on the one side you feel the flames burning you and this causes warnings of greater danger and fear but on the other side of those emotions, you also feel like the flames are inviting you to go deeper into their arms, with the uncertainty of where it will take your faith next.

With another step closer to God, the heat around you rises up again. Now you feel like the flames want to swallow you. Your heart is seeking for your faith in God, but it seems like you can’t find it now. “Why can’t I resist these flames?” Your eyes are seeking for God in the flames. The smoke is causing a burning sensation in your lungs, that rises up through your throat, and it comes out in spasms of severe coughs. Your whole thorax feels like it is ripped apart. With the pain in your chest the tears flow out of the corner of your eyes. You feel like the burden that you are carrying at that moment, has become so heavy, it hurts you to carry it. In the midst of the flames, you want to scream your needs out to God, through your prayers. Although your knees are weak, you fall down to the ground into the flames, raise your hands to God, and you start praying to Him like you never prayed before. The sad, passionate and desperate words of your deep sincere prayers roll over your dry lips. You pray constantly, without stopping, pouring your weak heart out to your loving God.

At that moment you feel a relief in your heart, and it’s with great amazement that you inhale a new breath of hope, while standing in the fire. The new breath in your body reminds you of God’s mercy. God’s mercy for us is so big and strong, but how will we ever know that, if we don’t know God in our lives or if we don’t know His Bible, His precious Word. In your heart you come to the conclusion that, in order for us to know and understand God’s mercy for us, we need to tie ourselves to His mercy. We can’t
complain about the lack of God’s mercy and His support, if our lives do not speak of our relationship with God.
We must grow on a daily basis towards God in His mercy, so that we will be able to fully understand His mercy for us. We can only learn to that, if we full heartedly persist in our faith in Him. Perseverance in your faith leads to a riper holy relationship in God. With these thoughts in your mind, the flames suddenly open up, and create a path for you to walk through the flames. Your heart warms up in you and is full of words of admiration and thankfulness to God. These feelings spark new joy in you. You rejoice in God, for the richness of knowledge and wisdom you received and gained in Him, by going through the flames. Tears of love and admiration for God slide down your cheeks. Standing on the other side of the blissful fire, you finally feel free, you feel accepted, you feel loved and secure in Him.

Facing those fire’s of life is never easy, but if you can learn in those fires to trust God, if you can acknowledge that you need God,

that you love Him dearly with passion, learn to know and understand His mercy, then the fire of faith in you becomes a fire that burns and shines towards victory in God.

Flames that lead your faith to be fireproof in God!

♥ The flame of a need for God.

♥ The flame of love and passion for God.

♥ The flame of prayer to God.

♥ The flame of God’s mercy.

♥ The flame of thankfulness toward God.

♥ The flame of rejoicing in God.

By: Marieke Zeevaart

25 Apr 2014

To save a life for God.

Have you ever thought, what it must be like, to experience rejection in your live? Many of us deny it, because we don’t want to be seen like that. Experience has taught me, that denying something, also shows a form of rejection in your life. That made me think of the scripture in the bible, where it says; Matthew 7:5:“You hypocrite, first take the plank out of your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother's eye.” But that takes me to my next question. Do we really see the pain in others lives, or do we just close our eyes for their pain and needs? Do you really go through trouble to spot the one that always sits apart from the others, or the one that is always laughed at, or the one in tears, or the one that is pushed around, even those ones who are not popular in our eyes? With what kind of eyes are you looking at others? Are you looking away, or are you keeping yourself blind. What kind of an example do you set for those in pain, if you are blind even for your own brokenness. Jesus says in His word, that a blind man can not be lead by another blind man, because both of them will fall into the furrow. You see, Jesus did not only bring His salvation for you, but for everyone. Our task is to save others for Him, to be a shepherd for others. What is a shepherd’s main task? A shepherd takes care of the sheep, and leads them. Are you a shepherd for others? Do you encourage people in God, do you lead people to God, are you an example for God?

Put yourself in such a person’s life for one moment, a person that, in his heart, feels rejection everyday. Feel the pain of the rejection arise in your body... Uncertain you step down the hall, you decide it’s best to walk circles around those who are out to hurt you as usual. Everyday of your live is uncertain, maybe because you feel uncertain about yourself. It feels to you as if people are waiting for you to fall, to stumble, so that they can laugh at you again. You pull your cap over your face, as if you are trying to hide your face, you don’t want them to see the scars of the pain on your face. Nobody must see your pain, that will just lead to another situation when they laugh at you. Suddenly you peep out from under your cap, and your eyes are seeking the crowd to see if there is someone that pays attention to you at that moment. When you discover it’s safe, you quickly wipe the tear in your eye away, that caused a burning sensation in your eye. There is always a tear that pricks and irritates in the corners of your eyes. Sometimes the sword of your rejection thrusts so deeply into your soul, that you just want to scream out loud. Deep in yourself you feel so alone, almost like no one ever cared for you. But that is not important, because you don’t feel important in this world. You feel you just want to scream, just to be heard, maybe someone will hear the slogans of your heart. But always the angry screams in you, are answered with the cold silence that surrounds your world. That silence is like a deadly silence. A deadly silence that fades away into your heart, where you keep on bleeding in your inner self. You feel like you want to do everything in your power just to be heard, just to be seen,  but still the cold silence remains in you, which shoots cold arrows down your spine. You feel you don’t belong in this world, as if you do not fit into this world, you don’t feel at home. Constantly you ask these questions; “God, why  me? God how can you have a purpose with me in this life? 
I am so unimportant, it feels like the world hates me, the world has turned it’s back on me. You want to inhale the last oxygen in your lungs, and scream it out, but your screams seem to disappear into the distance of the cold silence around you.

You feel like your whole world is torn  apart and your life is slowly broken down, piece by piece. You feel like you are breaking, because the world breaks you down, people break you down, and that is killing the joy in your life. The angriness of your pain arises in your body again and you suddenly hit the bathroom door with both your knuckles. The blood flows freely out of your knuckles, but it’s like you don’t care anymore, because you feel thrown away, lonely and totally left behind. You can not face the pain anymore, the pain in you have become so severe and intense that you feel you just want to die.  You can not listen to the coldness anymore, die, you just want to die.  You feel like death is maybe the only outcome for you. You think, maybe you will just grab your shaving knife tonight, and cut your wrists, you just want to give yourself over to that cold death in you. Who will care in anyway, like anyone ever cared about you....?

Maybe you can identify with these emotions? Maybe you know someone that feels like that. Maybe you feel guilty yourself, because you know deep in your heart, that everyday of your life, you pass a person like that. Maybe you even join in laughing at them, or form part of the fun that other people make of them. And then when you proved to the world you are accepted, and “cool” enough, you feel guilty, because you know you share portions in others pain. That reminds me of Jesus’ crucifixion. Were you the one that also screamed; “More pain, more hidings, crucify Him, crucify Him!”
Don’t you realise it, that one that feels the rejection, that experience the bitter loneliness, and the sadness, that you are taking the right away from him to have a full and joyful life in God?  Sad, but it is hard reality. A truth that most people tend to run away from. No, not me. I’d rather join in laughing at them, than to be expelled.  I certainly don’t want to be made fun of, or to be in the spotlight!

Is that love? Is it love toward our fellow men? Are we not busy rejecting Jesus’ most important law, the one that’s about love? Jesus says; “I am giving you a new law, to love each other, like I love you.  How can we attend the Sunday service at church, but during the week we are out to hurt our fellow people. Do you gossip about others behind their backs, are you the one helping to break down other people’s lives, do you lead them to that only solution, that cold death? Do you realise that you are taking the hope and life out of these people? You are part of that terrible lie that spins around in that rejected person’s head, no one loves him, no one seems to care. I get goose bumps at the thought that I may be adding portions in other people’s hurt and pain.

Maybe your next question is; “How can I behave different towards my fellow people? How can I make things right, where I caused so much hurt and pain?” If those questions arises in your heart, while you are reading this, you are ready to save a life for God. What does it mean to save? How do you define the word “save”. Think of the example of a lifesaver. The lifesaver spots the one that struggles to swim, who’s arms are getting too weak to swim, and he is constantly swallowing water and gasping for some oxygen. Then the lifesaver jumps into the sea and swims to Him, he reaches a hand out to him and saves him from drowning. Then the lifesaver has saved another life. Now think of that rejected one. He feels like he is drowning, he feels like his arms are getting too weak to swim towards life, his legs feel paralysed, but if someone reached a hand of love out to him, he finds the joy and gladness in his life again. Just by your hand of love, he found God’s love for him, and then with new joy in his heart finds the life that God destined for him.

God’s love and joy and full life in Him, is not only for you, but also for the one who lost God someway along the road, the one that cut himself deeply with the scars of rejection in his life. God proves His unconditional love for us daily, but He also expect that we share His love with others. The biggest curse for you is, how can you love God, but you don’t have the same love for your fellow people. You can lead those rejected ones to God, you can teach them about God’s love. God’s love is free, you don’t have to do anything to deserve it. As He shares His love freely with us, so we should distribute His love freely to our fellow people.
You see, you are only able to understand God’s love, if you are ready to share that love with others. If you don’t have that kind of love in your heart, then maybe there is some unsolved hurt in your heart, that you need to bring in front of God, in order to receive healing for it. Everyone of us experienced some form of rejection and pain in our lives. Some of us are even deeply scarred by our pain and rejection, so badly that we became blind for His love for us.

Those friends of yours that gossip about others, that laugh at others, that rejects others, do you really think they are true friends for you. Do you think that they will be the one’s that will help and support you with love and understanding when you are in trouble or in need? Why don’t you make the choice of choosing friends that build you up in God, that leads you to God. I will tell you, what causes you to hold back on that thought. It is because you are also afraid of rejection in your life. Do you see the irony in this, it’s like an evil circle.

Let me show you, what God’s task is for us. In 1 Timothy1:5: “The goal of this command is love, which comes from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.” Clearly God’s task for us is to rouse love with a pure heart, to plant His love in others, to show His love to others. God’s voice is echoing over the whole world; “Save those who are lost, save those who are sad, save those who are oppressed and rejected. Maybe it is time to remove the blindness in our hearts, to open our eyes toward others, specifically those who are rejected and in pain.

http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSIOliApm6lEwzPPHUskbLkNjaMdn3wvIpRUfcj6lHbJIcJMY31EAPut yourself again in that rejected person’s shoes. Feel his hurt, feel his pain... You see him sitting aside from everybody as usual, his cap pulled far over his head, almost as if he is hiding under the cap to protect himself. You make the decision in your heart to take action; “God, I am going to give him Your love.” You walk in his direction and kneel down beside him, softly you put your hand on his shoulders. He jumps up in a flash, because he didn’t expect your hand on his shoulder. He wants to run, but when he notices you are smiling at him, he feels touched in his heart. He keeps staring at you. Suddenly you reach out your hand to him, a hand full of love and passion for him.  You see the expression of astonishment on his face, you notice the questions in his red eyes full of tears. Then you answer those questions with the following words: “You are a child of God, you belong to Him. God loves you. God loves me, and therefore I love you.”  The tears start to roll down his cheeks again, but this time it’s tears of healing, tears of freedom, tears of joy, tears of; “I found my place in the world, in God’s love for me.”

At that moment you feel the warmth in your body, you look up at the blue sky to His light, then you know. “Now I understand God, now I understand Your love for me and others, for everyone.” In your ears you can hear the sounds of heaven rejoicing when they sing in honour of God; “Another life has been saved for Him.”

By: Marieke Zeevaart

Wees lief vir mekaar, soos God vir julle is.

Obadja 1:13: “die dag toe die ramp hom getref het nie, jy moes jou nie ook verlekker  het in sy ongeluk nie.”

Ek is seker hierdie verse spreek elkeen van ons aan. Hoeveel keer het ons nie al gevoel, ons wil daai een wat ons seer maak, of daai een wat so lelik is, of daai mense wat jou sommer afbreek in stede van opbou nie, ons wil hulle iets aandoen. "Kan sy nie maar net bietjie voel hoe ek voel nie, as sy my so seermaak met haar woorde of optrede nie".

Jy besef eintlik nie as jy so praat, dat dit gaan oor jou gevoelens, jou seerkry. Ja maar ek, ek, ek …. Hoor jy waaroor dit hier gaan. Jy is gefokus op jouself, want dit gaan oor jou. Ja maar ek het so seer gekry in my lewe, ek het nie nodig om na haar lelike woorde te luister nie.
Ondervinding het my geleer  dat mense wat ander so afkraak en afbreek met hul woorde, is eintlik die mense wat glad nie goed voel oor hulle self nie. Deur ander af te kraak en te verneder, wys hulle eintlik hulle eie pyn uit. Deur jou af te kraak, laat hulle beter voel oor hulle self, omdat dit jou in die kollig plaas, en nie hulle nie.

Sy sal liewer iemand beskinder en afkraak as wat hulle raaksien wat in haar seer hart aangaan. Dikwels is dit ook mense wat baie verwerping ervaar het in hul lewe. “Ek is verwerp, nou sal ek jou seermaak.” Sien jy hier die “snowball” proses raak. Is dit nie presies wat jy wil doen nie. Sy maak my seer, so nou gaan ek haar seer maak. En die feit is die slagoffer wat af gekraak word, is dikwels die persoon wat onskuldig is. Sy word dan skielik verwyt vir jou seerkry en jou stukkende hart.

Kom ons gaan sit weer by Jesus se voete, en leer by Hom ons leermeester. Dink vir ’n oomblik na oor hoe Jesus met mense om gegaan het, selfs die mense wat Hom verag en gehaat en bespot en uitgelag het. Jesus sê in Johannes 13: 34-35: “Ek gee julle ’n nuwe gebod: julle moet mekaar liefhê. Soos ek julle liefhet,  moet  julle mekaar ook liefhê. As julle mekaar liefhet, sal almal weet dat julle dissipels van My is.”

Jesus se sterkste wapen is die liefde. Met Sy nimmereindigende liefde oorwin Hy die kruis, oorwin Hy die wêreld en oorwin Hy die mense en heel belangrikste oorwin Hy ook vir jou. Kyk terug na die kruis gebeure, sien jouself, jy staan by Sy kruisdood. Jy sien die pyn op sy gesig, jy sien die bloed wat vloei, jy sien Sy liggaam in twee geskeur aan hierdie growwe kruishout. Dan verander die toneel, Hy kyk na jou. Watter boodskap lees jy op Sy geskende en bebloede gesig?  Lees jy indrukke van haat, kwaad of wrok op Sy gesig?

Nee, Hy kyk met soveel deernis, tederheid en liefde terug na jou. Dis amper asof Hy Sy hand uitsteek na jou en jou wil optel in Sy arms. Om jou hoor jy die geruis van oordonderende stemme en bloedbelope gesigte, wat met soveel haat en woede hul emosies teenoor Jesus uitskel. Jy draai jou gesig terug na hierdie liefdevolle man, wat onskuldig daar hang, vasgespyker teen die growwe en ruwe stuk hout, wat splinters in Sy rug maak.
Dan hoor jy skielik die woorde, wat soos ’n mes deur jou hart steek op daardie stadium. Lukas 23:34: “Toe sê Jesus vir hulle: Vader, vergeef hulle, want hulle weet nie wat hulle doen nie.”  Op daardie oomblik bons die ritme van jou hart in jou keel, en jy voel die knop in jou keel, jy voel die droogheid op jou lippe, en die naar en hol kol op jou maag. Dis asof jy ’n klein deeltjie van Sy pyn ervaar, maar ook Sy liefde. Jou oë brand in hul oogkaste, en jy kan die trane nie meer keer nie, dit vloei onophoudelik oor jou gesig. Dis asof iets in jou oopgeskeur het. Flitse van jou lewe jaag soos ’n stoomtrein deur jou brein. Jy sien hoe jy ander seer gemaak het, hoe jy ander geklap het, hoe jy ander verskree het uit al jou pyn en frustrasie.

 Skielik voel jy baie moeg, en dit voel vir jou of jy die wêreld se laste op jou skouers dra, jy voel jou knieë in mekaar sak onder jou. Dan laat sak jy jou kop in skaamte en val mismoedig voor Hom neer op die kruis. Jy voel hoe jou hart oopskeur, en jy huil onbedaarlik. Jou longe brand in jou en tussendeur jou snikke gee jy jouself oor aan Sy liefde. Jy stort jou lewe uit voor Hom en jy vra vergifnis vir al jou swakhede.

Jy kyk weer op na hierdie liefdevolle man, en jy sien steeds die uitdrukking van liefde en passie en omgee vir jou in Hom. Die kyk in Sy oë droog die trane op in jou en jy sien hoe Sy gesig straal van liefde vir jou. Daar verskyn ’n sagte glimlag op Sy verwronge gesig, maar vir jou is dit die mooiste glimlag wat jy ooit gesien het. ’n Glimlag wat die verwoede storm in jou stilmaak, die barste en krake in jou kom genees,  en jy voel ’n verligting van lewende waters deur jou spoel.

Dan raak alles pikdonker, en jy kyk verskrik om, maar word gou weer terug geroep na die werklikheid van Sy liefde, wanneer jy hoor hoe Hy die laaste asem uitblaas en met soveel liefde uitroep: “Dit is volbring” (Johannes 19:30). Dis dan wanneer die snikke weer in jou oopbars, want toe besef jy, Hy het ook vir jou gesterf, vir jou swakhede, jy wat so geslaan was in jou lewe, jy wat so mishandel was, jy wat so alleen was, jy wat so gemolesteer was, jy wat soveel verwerping ervaar het, jy wat geen gevoel van liefde en sekuriteit gehad het nie.
En op daardie oomblik in die stikdonkerte, gaan Sy lig vir jou op. Sy lig van liefde wat Hy na die wêreld gebring het en wat alle duisternisse in jou en in die wêreld verdryf het. 1 Johannes 1:5: “God is lig, en daar is geen duisternis in Hom nie.” Jy sien steeds Sy gesig van liefde in jou  hart, en skielik besef jy wat liefde is en nie net liefde nie, maar onvoorwaardelike liefde.

Dan roep jy dit uit in ’n gebeds kreet, “Here vergewe my vir al die kere wat ek soveel keer mense seergemaak het met my woorde, dade of reaksies. Here vergewe my vir my swakhede, want Here ek is maar een van die stukkende mense ook hier op aarde, met wie U met soveel liefde kom verlos het,  en kom bevry het met U kruisiging. Here, ek verstaan nou wat liefde is. Here leer my om elke dag in U liefde te groei, maar ook my liefde vir ander. Here maak my lewe vol met U liefde. O Jesus , my liefdevolle Heer, ek het U so lief.

Dan sien jy die groot hart wat sigbaar is in die wolke wat deurbreek na die duisternis, en jy straal van blydskap en vreugde, want jy weet Hy het jou lewe kom vol maak met Sy liefde. Jy voel die wind teen jou gesig saggies waai en dis asof jy Sy stem in jou oor saggies hoor fluister: “My geliefde kind, ek is so lief vir jou, ontvang my liefdes geskenk vandag, van nou af en vir ewig.”

Deur: Marieke Zeevaart

True wealth

Esther 1:4: “And he showed the riches of his glorious kingdom and the honor of his excellent majesty many days, a hundred and eighty days. “

This was during the time of king Ahasveros of the Persian kingdom. He ruled 127 provinces, spanning from India up to Ethiopia.  The strong city of his throne was Susan. The king decided, in the third year of his reign, to have a banquet for all his highly placed officials and officers. For a period of 180 days, during this banquet, he displayed the beauty and lustre and magnitude of his riches and kingdom to all. Following this a great festival was held that lasted for seven days.
Although this story may be regarded as less significant, it is in fact of great significance to those of us who dearly love and honour God. It warns us against what may happen when our possessions and riches become all important to us. How we are transformed to a point where nothing else matters to us. We become trapped in a spiral where we just desire more and more, eventually arriving at a place where we are prepared to do anything to get even more. We lose sight of all the true riches in our lives like our children, our marriage and our relationship with God. We need to ponder the question, “what gives us, as children of God true happiness?” Which principals are important to God, and which are important to man?  God requires us to honour Him with all we have, and this includes all our possessions too.

Do we always strive to have more? Do we have the tendency and desire to improve all the time, always a bigger house, always a more luxurious car? Even the drive within yourself and your heart to earn more and more money, to have a higher position, to be more important,  is in fact against the principles of God’s Kingdom. These things are important to man and is part and parcel of the sinful world we live in.

This might not make sense but when you really think about it, you never gain happiness from your possessions, no matter how much you have. God knew that our lives would be destroyed by these wants. That is why it forms part of the Ten Commandments. Exodus 20:17:  “You shall not covet your neighbor's house. You shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his man servant, nor his maid servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's.” God knows the heart and mind and knows that these things lead to man’s destruction.  He warns that when you are not satisfied with what you have, you will end up wanting for someone else’s passions of even their spouse. Do you see where your desires will lead you?

Let’s have a look at Jesus’ actions when, after 40 days in the desert, Satan tempted Him. Keep in mind what condition Jesus was finding Himself in after 40 days under the blazing sun. He was tired, hungry and thirsty after being without food or water for 40 days. If you think about it, He would have appreciated a silver platter of food.  No, He remained obedient to God and did not give in to temptation. I want to focus on one specific temptation relating to the subject we are discussing.
Matthew 4:8-10: ” Again, the Devil took Him up into a very high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory."

And he said to Him, All these things I will give You, if You will fall down and worship me.
Then Jesus said to him, Go, Satan! For it is written, "You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve."

Jesus did not want to be rich, to be king or to own all the kingdoms in the world. He chose to be true to God and to serve, honor and love Him. God knows, in His heart that all these things bring only unhappiness. He also says in His Word; Mat 6:33:  “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added to you.”  We all know that Solomon was one of the richest kings ever. No king after him ever owned so much.  Very early in the history of Solomon God appeared to him and asked what he desired. 

Let’s look at His answer in scripture.
1 Kings 3: 9:  “And give to Your servant an understanding heart, to judge Your people, to discern between good and bad. For who is able to judge this, Your great people?.” Solomon requested wisdom as king, not riches, but an understanding heart was more important to him. As a result of his being humble and only asking for wisdom God granted him all the other things he did not ask for as well.

1Kings 3:11:  “And God said to him, Because you have asked this thing, and have not asked for yourself long life, and have not asked riches for yourself, nor have asked the life of your enemies, but have asked for yourself understanding to judge justly.”

1Kings 3:12: “ behold, I have done according to your words. I have given you a wise and an understanding heart, so that there was none like you before you, and after you none shall arise like you.”

1Kings 3:13: “And I also have given you that which you have not asked, both riches and honor, so that there shall not be any among the kings like you all your days.”

1Kings 3:14:  “And if you will walk in My ways, to keep My statutes and My commandments, as your father David walked, then I will lengthen your days.“

In 1 Timothy 6:9 God also warns us; But they who will be rich fall into temptation and a snare, and into many foolish and hurtful lusts which plunge men into destruction and perdition.”

This chasing after money and riches in actual fact leads us into temptation and damnation. Eventually nothing will satisfy us. When we start falling into this trap we should remind ourselves of 1 Timothy 6:10:  For the love of money is a root of all evils, of which some having lusted after, they were seduced from the faith and pierced themselves through with many sorrows.  Yes, it may seem harsh, but it is reality.

So how do we train ourselves not to chase after these false riches, but after the true wealth in God?  God provided an answer in the form of: 
1Timothy 6:6-8: “But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into the world, and it is clear that we can carry nothing out.
But having food and clothing, we will be content.

Being content with what you have is God’s answer. So how do you do that? How do you quench these constant desires that burn in your heart? It is only possible through God. He is the only one that can reveal to you that He is everything. He is the one you should be longing for. In Him you should get your fill when the hunger creeps up on you in the desert. He is the one who will fill you with a fountain of living water. He is the one who can heal you. He is the one that truly loves you. He is the one who can open your eyes to the worldly wants and lusts that are trying to devour you. He can give you insight and wisdom, to enable you to recognise and fight against these desires. Do you realize how desperately you need Him?  Maybe it is time that you, once again go down on your knees before your Creator, Father and Lord, to declare your dependence on Him.

Try making a list, comparing things of the world giving you happiness to things of God giving you happiness. Ponder over it; were you really happy when you had lots of money, even more than you needed? When you had a high ranking job, taking up so much of your time that you longed for some spare time to be in the arms of your wife, or to run around the garden with your children? Chasing after a ball with them shouting and laughing at your heels?

If you go and study your list you will surely find the scale leaning toward God, and the earthly pleasures on the other side, actually becoming insignificant. God says in His Word in 1 Corinthians 1:4-5:  “I thank my God always on your behalf for the grace of God given you in Jesus Christ, that in everything you are enriched by Him, in all speech and in all knowledge”.  If you have a hunger to grow in faith and the knowledge of God’s Word every day, you already possess an important part of His Kingdom. Then you have found true wealth in Him.

By: Marieke Zeevaart